American Manual Medicine Association

AMMA Code of Ethics

American Manual Medicine Association Code of Professional Ethics

As a professional or associate member of the American Manual Medicine Association I agree to observe and to practice the following ethical code:

  1. I will respect the rights, dignity, and person of each patient.

  2. I will render to each patient the highest quality of care and I will make appropriate and timely referrals to medical providers and/or health care professionals.

  3. I will accept and treat all those seeking my services without prejudice or discrimination.

  4. I will not discriminate against any other health care professional simply because we belong to different medical or health care professions or possess different health care skills.

  5. I will keep accurate health and medical records and I will respect the confidentiality of those records and any other personal information that I receive from a patient.

  6. I will educate my patients and I will explain treatments and clinical responses and avoid making exaggerated promises regarding the care that I provide.

  7. I will work to uplift the standards and conduct of the profession.

  8. I will maintain the highest standards regarding the advertising of my professional practice and in its presentation to the public.

  9. I will use appropriate legal and professional avenues to report ethical practice violations.

  10. I will maintain the highest standard of ethical and professional practice for the direct benefit of my patients and the profession.

  11. I will obey any and all health care rules, statutes, and regulations that pertain to the practice of my profession.

  12. I will observe and practice the highest level of professional ethical conduct.

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